Friday, January 25, 2019

The Kid Is In The Hospital

Little Bit hasn't been feeling well for over a year.  We had him checked, changed his diet, and he did improve but the last few months he's lost weight, his hair is lackluster and he has some intestinal issues.

I took him to the vet on Wednesday and they did some parasitic testing and everything was negative.  We returned today, and they did quite a bit of blood work.  He was and has always been, one of the best-behaved pets, so loving and kind to everyone.  Well, he's not gone yet.

What we know so far.   He is approaching 19 years old.  He has had good care and up until now has been very healthy.  He has a great set of teeth without any plaque.   His kidneys are not in good shape.  His urine has no color, his proteins are on the high end and his risk of kidney failure, on a scale of 1 to 4, is a high 3.  

I just spoke with the doctor and he says the patient is behaving beautifully.  I told LB to be on his best and just relax so that is good to know.   He probably has one of two things;   chronic intestinal inflammation or lymphatic cancer.   He is responding to the rehydration treatment and we will know in the morning if his kidneys respond.   If it is renal and intestinal, he can do well with a change of diet and medication.   The other, well, we know that the end will come eventually.  Based on his age, we kind of prepared over this holiday trip.   

Based on a famous Mexican saying, I will live forever.   Yerba mala, nunca muere.  The bad seed never dies!

Either way, I'm prepared.


  1. They say a 19 year old cat is the equivalent of a 92 year old human. Little Bit has had a great life.

  2. Ahh I feel so sad and a part of this journey as we were on the phone together as you were driving to the vet. LB, hang in there is you can and if not, you know when it is time. Hugs to you both and special pats to LB. Keep us posted.

  3. ..As I was a part of this journey...

  4. Bless your hearts - all three of them. I know how difficult this is. Sending love and hugs.
