Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Not So Good Ending To A Great Week


The view on my exercise route.

We came up with some water solutions I may have mentioned in the last blog post.  Here are some pictures of what we did.  We have since made some minor adjustments testing water flow.  The hard rains that were to follow petered out so we have to wait for another time to test.  
We're letting the pool slowly drain enough to take out the light.  We had it repaired and the guy who did it failed miserably.  There is a canaster in the wall that holds the light.  It's attached to a long electrical cable so that you can pull out the canister, replace the bulb and put it back in place.  Well, most things around here were jury-rigged when the house and pool were built.  We need to lower the water level to get to it.  What we really need, not me but the house, is a new pool.  

The week is going along fine and getting things done.  I took the cover off the trailer so we can get things going.  As always, a lot of good ideas but many will probably never come to fruition.  Juan starts complaining about a sore throat and before you know it he's feeling quite puny.  The next morning I send him to our doctor and sure enough he has COVID.  I feel like a million bucks, move him into another bedroom and carry on.  Next morning I wake up and I knew I had it.  Off I went for the test and it came back positive.  Three days later as I write this, he's recovered nicely and I am out of the woods and feeling much better.  He must have picked it up from all the gooey equipment at his gym.   I don't go anywhere much at least not where there are crowds of people and I still take some minor precautions.  COVID is now kind of taboo, if someone gets it they won't say anything.  We may never know where it came from but, the immune system is that much stronger.  

The weekend before getting COVID, we decided to go to one of my old stomping grounds, Pulga Rio.  It's flea market along the river Santa Catarina that divides the city and the downtown area.  My first teaching assignments were in that area.  My teaching cohort, Joanie and I would go to the companies to teach.  In between classes, because we were poor and didn't have air conditioning, we would go to the Rio 70 movie theater.  It's a giant dome.  We would go to the movie, order nachos, sit up at the top and sleep for an hour or two.  It is located across from La Purisima plaza and church.  Good memories.

At one time, and still is to some extent, the place for Monterrey's well-to-do to live and the houses built at the turn of the 20th century are testament to that. 

Many are still private homes and others have been sold to law offices and such and put to good use.  The best part is that they remain after more than 125 years.


  1. Aww...sorry you both got sick but glad it wasn't too bad. Eric and I will get boosted before we head south in the fall. So far we've evaded the bid "C!"

    1. Thanks Kathy. It was a real bummer as I have avoided it for so long. We are looking for a vaccine when we go to Kansas City next month. I doubt anything is ready. The only thing available here is the Abdala from Cuba. Sounds sinister!

  2. Happy you both recovered fairly quickly.....Marilyn

  3. So sorry to hear this guys but COVID is still with us and may be for a very long time yet. Keeping up with the booster shots does not make us immune but they do mean we probably will not die from it. I have only had it once and if I had not tested positive I would have passed it off as a very minor cold/headache. I had already had two shots so I was lucky. You will be back in the saddle soon!
