Wednesday, February 12, 2025

We Get What We Deserve

We should have stopped this decades ago.  Now, “the Americas” are paying the price.The elephant has been hiding for quite sometime, it eventually had to rear its ugly head. 

As I’ve always said, I’m not a Democrat or a Republican and its for a very simple reason.  Political parties are like unions.  They’ll defend their own until the end no matter what, if it is true or false.  A good example of this is the increase in tariffs.  It’s very immature on all sides and the people who suffer the most are the poor and working classes.

As you know, I’ve been a Mexophile for over 40 years and love this place more than any other.  But again, I don’t tow the party line.  I attempt to look at things realistically and analyze the information.

I watched a previous president blather on national televisión everyday for over three years before I realized I couldn’t take any more lies, deceipt, and outright revenge.  Today isn’t much different.  Before you pull the feminist card remember that politics is supposed to be gender neutral. 

As of 2018, the floodgates were open along the Guatemalan border.  There is no border protection there and people move back and forth freely.  It seemed to be a kind gesture until tens of thousands of undocumented people from South America and other countries began heading for the U.S.  They were encouraged by a particular president.  They took to trains, boats, and walking caravans and were given permission to cross into Mexico. 

I’ve witnessed it personally for years now, first with watching almost a thousand Haitians lining up at a local immigration office.  After they received their six month permit to pass through the country they were stuck in Mexico and could go no futher.  They began to gather along the border and live in the open, under international bridges and setting up tent cities.  It was wide open allowing criminal activity to swell and many of those same illegals were either recruited or kidnapped to join the different criminal groups.   Women and children are suffering the most and young boys have been recruited to carry weapons while underage girls have been taken into the sex trade.

It’s interesting to note that Mexico’s military and private citizens also purchase arms from the U.S. legally.  For the military, the majority of firearms come from the U.S.  Private citizens can also purchase guns for hunting and home self-defense.  Mexico has recently begun to manufacture some of its own weapons but I am not sure if it is under any specific brand name.  Home ownership is neither easy nor difficult.  It is a process that requires applying for ownership, authorization to purchase, purchasing the weapon or gun and having it sent to a military installation for inspection and registration. 

In 2007, Monterrey witnessed its first cartel shooting.  It happened on a weekday afternoon.  A person was shot to death getting out of his pickup at the Costco store on a major avenue.  News broke during lunch hour and the city came to a standstill.  We had never heard of such a thing although we were very aware of organized crime.  Those things happened but in rural áreas far away from civilized life.  Today, in Monterrey we average 130 registered homicides per month.  Imagine. 



(Only 3 out of 100 are reported according to state and national chambers of commerce)

Every time you make a purchase from a small business or a city or street market, it is almost certain that part of what you are paying is going to groups not related to owners or taxes.  Never ask, you’ll never get a straight answer and most are afraid to answer the question honestly.  These same merchants probably pay no taxes.  38% in the norther region, and a whoppig 78% in the south.  The products below are tied to criminal activity.  Large tortillerias pay as much as 20,000 pesos per month as "cobro de piso".



 This information may not affect you in particular but it may help in making travel decisions and plans.  This is important for those of us who live in Mexico.  Our daily routines have been interrupted, travel has been reduced and of course there will always be that someone that says, “nothing has ever happened to us”.  Well, as you know, we used to say that as well.  Does that change our travel plans?  No, it changes the way in which we travel.  The world is a big place and there are many other wonderful countries to visit.

Even though I may not support the current administrations in the three North American countries, I do support the decisión to put troops on the border.  The flow of illegals needs to stop.  It has affected Mexico as a whole as well as its economy.  Business is business and many small Mexican companies are hiring the illegals from South America and other countries taking jobs and reducing even further the low salaries in Mexico.  Shame on them, we are our worst enemy.  Thanks to this decisión ten days ago we have already seen a reduction in the flow of illegals towards the U.S. border thanks to the negotiations between Mexico and the U.S. 

I would also like to address the hate that has been shown on social media sites.  As an expat, I find it very offensive when expats from other countries. living in Mexico. refer to Americans as gringos and that they should be checked to see if they are here legally.  First off, and I have stated before, Mexico deports Canadians, Americans, and others who may be here illegally or have overstayed their visitor’s visa.  We should be supporting each other not throwing hate.  Don’t blame those who live in Mexico or other countries for decisions made by politicians (the current U.S. president did receive over 77,000,000 votes).  Yes, it’s crazy but Mexico did the same thing, a 60% majority voted for the president in this last election.  In Mexico, being illegal is not a crime, it is an administrative offense.  Every year Mexico makes allowances for those who have overstayed their visa but can prove their time in Mexico, their income or financial stability, through an amnesty program.

I this particular case, "Alicia" called me out for supporting a poster's right to say what he wanted although I and others didn't agree.  She later blocked me so I couldn't respond. Chicken sh--.  I received three others but they are too foul and filthy to post.

Although this document is dated 2016, it is still valid and appears on the Mexico government website.

Another good reason for Mexico to cooperate with the U.S. is simple, MONEY!  Mexicans are sending home $70,000,000,000 (U.S.) every year in remittances.  The current and last Mexican administrations have counted on that money coming into the economy. 

Based on this, it appears that Mexico cannot provide sufficient employment and relies on this income.  I disagree.  Mexico is much greater than this.  Most people leaving today are heading north out of fear receiving threats on their lives and their families.  This is money being taken out of one economy and put into another.

(In billions of dollars)  Remittances sent from the U.S. to Mexico.

Oil is another issue.  Mexico is not self-sufficient and predictions say it won’t be for at least the next 10 years.  In the meantime, China has entered Mexico through the backdoor.  That should be an alarm for both Canada and Mexico, infringing on territory that is part of the trade agreement.  Chinese cars are flooding the Mexican market, both fossil fueled and a huge push for electric.  Mexicans love their cars and 75% of all new cars in Mexico are financed and that has held true for many years.  Mexico hasn’t had a national car brand since the late 50s and very early 60s and that was the Borgward sedan, and Dina semi-tractor and bus builder. 

303,000 Chinese cars sold in Mexico during 2024. 

I don’t believe that in each respective country it serves to “buy Canadian”, “buy American”, and “buy Mexican”. It only widens the gap of misunderstanding, creates the proliferation of hatred, and in the long run will affect each of us in our daily lives all because of one person. 

Voters in both the U.S. and Mexico are starting to see the mistake they made in the last elections.  We are all loyal to our respective countries in one way or another.  In my particular case, I can’t help the fact that I was born in the U.S.  Many say that the land was stolen.  Oh, really?  Who’s ready to give back their home, workplace, school, and everything they live for back to those who roamed the planet and claimed their land 25,000 years ago?  Indigenous people also took land that once belonged to someone else.   

The threat has been taken seriously and countries are complying.  When it comes to illegal immigration and violence someone has to take the bull by the horns.

In Mexico, we can no longer tolerate or live these events on a daily basis.  All of us have a mess to clean up and we are responsible for not doing anything about it for decades.  Growing up it was “Write your congressmen”.  That seems to have gone by the wayside.  I’m not sure what will happen next.  The immediate future is on hold and we are at the hands of those that we no longer have control over.



  1. Excellent post. Informative and well thought out. Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together!!

  2. Wow, lots in this post Chris. Much to think about. For me, this constant barrage of "We're going to just take Canada". Oh, also Greenland, Gaza and control of the Panama Canal. I just can't stand it. We have stood side by side with the US always. What a terrible group of humans running that country now. My uncle is a decorated Vietnam veteran/Doctor who lives in Michigan. Born and raised in BC. He is so embarrassed by all this. Your points about immigration are valid. No one should be in a country illegally, yet it happens. Over and over. Such a strain.

    We will stand together. Mexico and Canada strong.

  3. Excellent read. Eloquent, fair, and balanced.

  4. Political parties are like unions. In politics, as in business and war, organization is power.
