Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Laredo. Texas - Heading Home In The Morning

Our last night in Texas!  We are back at the Texas Travel Information Center in Laredo, Tx just 20 minutes from the border.  We ended up in San Antonio for three nights.  We came to visit friends and help out one of them with a small issue.  We had a couple of our own with the RV but it hadn't been on the road for two and a half years so things needed to be shaken up a bit and they were.   All good now and everything is fixed.  We were able to do the repairs ourselves and I will go into more details later this weekend.

It has been a fun trip and we saw some familiar as well as new things on this road trip.  We spent happy hours reminiscing and also preparing for near-future plans.  In May, we'll be heading to the house in SMA and a trip to Las Vegas for a few days to celebrate the end of working days.  Juan turns in his papers on June 1 and it should be soon after that it is all final.  

Some hard lessons to learn along the way like letting go of past friendships where time and distance have taken their toll and accepting the fact that some people change and others don't.  We always like moving forward and not getting too comfortable wherever or whatever we are doing.

My oldest sister recovered well from her hip surgery.   I just talked to her and I told her that she must be doing well as she didn't stop pissing and moaning the whole conversation.  She knows I'm kidding and we had a few good laughs.  She's been very good to me since I was a small child.  I'm glad she's doing well and on the road to recovery.  One of her grandsons is there and a daughter-in-law that is a nurse.

We will cross the border at Bridge number 1 on the I-35 and just get on the autopista.  We are picking up some packages at our Laredo mailbox, a new set of Golden Girls DVDs (the other set has worn out after daily viewing for the last 25 years) and a set of Andy Griffith DVDs, and new remote control.

I can't wait to see what's to come and we are hoping to be in Europe in the fall.  I know that this is normal business for all retirees and that there is also an end to that as well but we are beginning a new journey or a journey that never seems to end.  As Juan has always said, "la vida es bella".  


  1. Congratulations to Juan on his retirement! No one deserves it more. It is great that you had such a fun trip, you certainly saw lots of the beautiful Big Bend country. Time rolls on and some people leave us. Friendships may fade for one reason or another but they never die. As Juan says, "la vida es bella". And it really is!

  2. "Europe in the fall..."

    Now that would be a fun meet-up!
