Saturday, April 2, 2022

Rvers Coming To Mexico - We Hosted An Italian Couple

I'm pooped.  We had a get-together over the weekend to celebrate Yola's 70th birthday.   Yola is one of Juan's sisters.  Five couples in total and they all spent the night.  We started early Saturday morning and had a cookout in the late afternoon.  We stayed outside until time for bed.  We talked quite a bit about what has been going on in each other's families.   It's been two years and we really didn't see anyone.

We had a cake for her birthday and the grilled meat was the best we've ever had.  Not sure why people brag so much about USDA Prime when most of it comes from northern Mexico.  I can't convince people of that and they don't do the research either.  That's why it's easy for Mexican restaurants to say they have USDA because they buy it locally.   Those stores that do sell the meat with the stamp on it are charging more because it is exported and then re-imported.   Kind of silly.  San Juan is our northern chain and they recently opened a meat market in Queretaro behind the HEB.

The weather was nice and I had the yard fogged for mosquitos early Saturday morning.  It worked like a charm and there were no complaints about the weather or bugs.  Overall, a good time had by all but some people just don't want to go home!

We are members of Harvest Hosts (Boondockers Welcome) but we had turned off our calendar during the majority of COVID.   Last week we received a request, actually two, one was from an Italian couple that had finished working in the states and are traveling in Mexico and Central America until July.  They have decided they don't want to live in the U.S. or return permanently to Italy.  They say the two previous socialist governments wrecked the country and now everything including taxes is very expensive.

They have an older Chinook they found a few months ago.  It's a nice rig with lots of solar and lithium batteries.  They have already traveled to Baja and then took the expensive ferry across.  They used the ferry that allows you to stay in your rig. They are very easygoing and fun.  They both work in the pharmaceutical industry, the same company.  One is a biologist and the other is in bulk sales of active ingredients.

They weren't interested in going to Monterrey so we attempted to drive to the mountains to Laguna de Sanchez.  We were turned around by checkpoints.  Forest fires are raging again.   It was also quite smokey and with the drought and high winds not very pleasant.   We turned around and headed for a state park closer to Monterrey.   A fun day.

They also fixed us an Italian dinner the night before they left.  We had fun talking and enjoying a bottle of wine.  

I turned down another request because it was a couple with kids and they were having some kind of paperwork issue.  I don't do that anymore.  I used to and am always willing to help but it all sounded too complicated.  Was I wrong?

Now the push is on to get ready for take-off next Sunday.  We're getting excited.  And it's just in time for a new outbreak of Covid, the BA.2.  Let's see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see your life returning to a semblance of normal.
