Saturday, June 22, 2024

Alberto Day Three Still No Power or Water

The Horsetail Falls near our house that many of you have visited.

The Santa Catarina River (dry river bed) that runs through the center of Monterrey.

We do have lots of water but it's not running through our pipes.  There is a backlog of repairs in the state and we're on the list.  Ours is an easy fix.  One of the switches on the transformer popped.  It needs to be put back.  I don't know what you call it but it's like the handle on the breaker box.

We charge the phones and laptops in the cars, ice and ice chests to keep things cool.  Coffee made on a stove top camp percolator.   

Clouds still hanging low and constant off and on light showers.  We had to go out for ice and stop by the power company.  No crews there.  They are all out on calls.

I'm posting this on mu phone so if there are mistakes, apologies.



  1. Always a mess after a storm. Here we are used to fall and winter power outages. We have the RV generator set up to run the house for fridge and lights and then I cook on the bbcue. Hopefully you'll be up and running soon.

    1. Our Honda pooped out after many years. I've been researching for a new one and I am thinking about opting for the newer solar type such as a Jackery, but 3000W. I tried to have the Honda repaired but to no avail. If the rv cover is off I can run an extension from the trailer inverter to the house for tv, some lights and of course the internet. No solar, no power :)

  2. A solar generator makes a lot of sense, Zero maintenance, it charges as you drive and the charge can be maintained by your solar panel. So sorry to see all the damage in your area.
