Monday, October 19, 2015

Two Big Things Coming Tomorrow!

Leaves are falling here at the ranch, the air is cooler at night and the water in the pool is good for a couple more swims before we decide to drain the chilling waters and do repairs.   It has been a relaxing weekend and we are preparing for two events this week.  One not so great and one fantastic.

We took advantage of the weekend and did the usual household chores, did some laziness activities and watched the return of Tracy Morgan on SNL.  I quit watching the show as it has pretty much fallen into, well, beyond sad conditions.  With the return of Tracy Morgan it seemed to pick up a bit last night and we enjoyed the first half of the show.

This morning we putzed around until 8:30 and decided to head to Monterrey for the book fair.  The convention center was packed.  Not only is the book fair going on but so is the October Horror Fest, and the Tlaqueparte which is an artisan exhibition.   We chose the book fair as we are readers and teachers.   We saw a few teachers we knew, talked to the Mexican Japanese association who had a large and interesting booth along with a book display, presentation and bonsai.   The guy who formed those little bonsai has been gone for ages but those 70 plus year old trees continue to grow today.  Amazing.

I forgot that we stopped for tacos on the way in and they were pretty darn good.   What taco isn't.  I'm in and out on the vegan thing, I maintain six days a week which is very good to say the least.  Hey, we all need a day to be human.

The mega event this week is the arrival of Ruth and Kevin.   They will be coming here on tomorrow but I will miss them.  The second event is my workshop in Roma, Texas.  I may just pass them on the lonely bypass highway from Allende to Cadereyta.  Anything is possible.  They will stay for a couple of days and I will be back on Tuesday night.   Can't wait to see these guys.  A select few of the fish that never seem to stink after three days:)

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