This week I was working again in Sabinas Hidalgo. It is about 90 miles north and I drove back and forth everyday. You think I would be tired after working and having to drive two hours or more to get home depending on traffic in Monterrey and the new "mega checkpoint" they have set up in front of the Monterrey Municipal Airport in Escobedo just north of the metro area.
I believe we have come to a decision to hire someone to bring the new rv from Indiana to Houston or San Antonio where it will wait for us until Christmas when we start our vacation and possibly the time in which we import it permanently into Mexico. I did the numbers and by the time I get new tires for the truck, gas, lodging, food and tolls, it just made more sense to have it delivered. In fact, it actually saves money. We have a holiday coming up on the 15th so we can make arrangements to pick it up in Houston around that time and spend a night or two out on the road before dropping it off in San Antonio. We are really excited and can't wait. I still have some details to workout such as choosing the company (although they have all made bids), temporary insurance, u.s. insurance while it is in San Antonio, etc. A lot for me to handle as we live here and doing this stuff long distance is not easy. Apart from that I feel like an ignoramus these days working with people in English. I just feel I lose the words or how to ask the questions and they answer me like I'm off or something.
My task tonight and tomorrow is to prepare for my trip on Monday to Guatemala. I wish I could stay longer but it is a work trip and there are things to get done here. We can always go back and I am hoping with our rv someday. I will be taking pictures and reporting from Guatemala City starting on Monday afternoon.
On Wednesday, I saw a caravan of five rvs heading south on hwy 85. So far so good on reports of people crossing the border and getting to their destinations. We heard from PJ and Claudia and I hope we can meet up with them if not rving at least for a couple of days.