Things are really coming together. Even at my school we have formed an official collection center. We're going to survive this. After only 30 hours into the earthquake, thousands of volunteers have come together in CDMX to move rubble bucket by bucket, make sandwiches, form collection centers, distribute water, canned goods, hardhats, gloves and vests. Companies have donated the use of heavy equipment, fuel, generators. Truly pulling together.
The latest message from my friend and coworker in Mexico City, very emotional to read:
Afortunadamente, los mexicanos hemos sido mucho más contundentes que el sismo de ayer. Docenas de miles de personas se movilizan, se empieza a hablar de los lugares donde ya no se necesita ayuda. La ciudad está invadida de gente con casco y pala, jóvenes repartiendo víveres en sus bicicletas y automóviles, y mesas dispuestas con agua y alimentos preparados que han aparecido por todos lados.
En algún rincón de nuestra alma colectiva guardábamos una vasta reserva de compasión que ahora nos desvivimos por vaciar.
Fortunately, as Mexicans, we have been much stronger than yesterday's earthquake. Tens of thousands of people have mobilized, they have begun to talk about places that don't need help. The city has been invaded by people with hardhats and shovels, young people handing out food on their bikes and from their cars, tables covered with water and prepared food that has appeared miraculously from all sides.
In some part of our collective souls, we have kept a vast reserve of compassion that we are will now do our utmost to let out.
As I stated on a forum, let's not make this a "woe is me" Mexico issue. Mexico is strong, able and willing to pull together to overcome this natural disaster.
Looking back to 1985, The event caused between three and four billion USD in damage as 412 buildings collapsed and another 3,124 were seriously damaged with an official loss of life at 5000 when in reality it was in the range of 25,000. With social media and internet you can't hide the truth as easily anymore. This time it was 40 buildings and we are now at 300 dead. Not to diminish life, but we are much further advanced now than before.
We are in the month of patriotism. Viva Mexico!