living.boondockingmexico@yahoo.comWow, what a difference. I have been pain free all day today since my treatment yesterday. It turned out to be a pretty lazy Sunday. I got up before six and had my coffee and read my RvTravel.Com newsletter. Mostly interesting was the article about the Affinity Group (AGI) that is struggling to stay afloat. AGI owns Rv.Net along with a string of other rv relating services including rv insurance.
Around 8:30 I finally got my butt up out of bed, got showered and headed out the door. I was on a quest to find a special restaurant. I hate eating in hotels. Apart from the expense (even though the publisher pays all the expenses, I still can't waste someone else's money) I feel lonely eating in a hotel versus on my own. So I pay and get reimbursed by the publisher. I can eat better, enjoy my meal, find more interesting locals than I can in the hotel.
After I had checked my newsletter I thought it might be smart to check local restaurants on the web. Sure enough, I ran into what I thought was just the place. La Casita de Wafles (the little waffle house). How novel I thought. I could go for a good Belgian waffle and some eggs. I memorized the address, headed down to the concierge and got the directions. Four blocks up, one block right, three blocks left and five more left. A nice walk, and so I took off.
As I got close to Calle Sinaloa, I decided to ask. I passed a place that was preparing the grill for carne asada tacos. I said to the guy, " ¿disculpe, donde está la calle sinaloa? He replied, "una calle mas adelante" (one more block straight ahead). I then said to him, "busco el restaurante la casita de wafles". He said to me, ¿la casita de mofles?" (the muffler house). So I repeated and he told that yes it was one block ahead and five to the left. I continued on and watched as the numbers dropped from 309 down to 160. Well, where in the heck is the waffle house? I said as I stood in front of an abandoned house. As I turned, there were the bronze numbers hidden behind vines crawling up the wall. Oh no! The waffle house has fallen into ruins, forgotten, no smell of bacon. What a big disappointment.
Okay, I can accept that. There is a VIP's and a Walmart a couple of blocks away. As I passed the jerk preparing the carne asada he asked me if I had found the place. I told him yes (flipping him the finger in my pocket knowing his response). "oh yeah", he said. "They closed a couple of years ago". "Gracias" , I said along with (pendejo) under my breath. He got his laugh for the day and I was just the better as I did find what I was looking for.
So I went on to VIP's. Excellent, scrambled eggs, ham and bacon along with two small hotcakes. I enjoyed my coffee and juice and read the local paper. Swine flu is the headline of the day.
I went to Walmart only to buy nothing and return to my room for a nap around 1 p.m. I had taken quite a long walk through the well-to-do neighborhoods and it was very pleasurable. But, I had to go back to Wally World. I needed to buy 12 rolls of toilet paper and a ball.
What am I going to do with 12 rolls of toilet paper? Tomorrow I will use the tissue for an icebreaker activity with the teachers. I will tell them to take a roll to their group, and take only what they think they will need. After that, they will have to tell the group one fact about themselves for every square of paper they tore off. A lesson to be learned!
Have a good one! Wash your hands, don't kiss and shake hands, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze.
I will go back tomorrow and take a picture of Mi Casita de Wafles!