Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fixing The Pool Leak! Thanks Jonna!
We have had the pool empty now for about four months. It has saved a fortune on the electric bill as we pump our own water not to mention the filter use. So today I made a concerted effort to find someone to cut the stamped concrete and fix the leak. I had an architect come several weeks ago and he located the leak. I just hate to break that beautiful cement pad that cost us a fortune to install. Oh well, what is done is done. Heavy rains are due for the next few days so I don't expect these guys to come right away. I do want to get the pool up and running as it affects the sell of the house as well as the severe heat wave we have been experiencing. A pool is a love hate relationship. We have used it daily over the years but for only 15 minutes a day. Wow! I feel like I am paying for a quinceñera. It never ends. The new place in Allende will probably have a jacuzzi, no mas! A pool is a huge expense. I have to thank Jonna for prompting me to write this spot as she had a recent leak in her house. Not a big deal. Everyone has a leak of some kind during their lives.
I brought "Friend" home from the vet today. Bad news is, she is still too underweight to have her fixed. So we will wait a couple of weeks until she has put on some weight. She was very happy to return home and I saw her run for the first time since I found her. She still stinks, even though she has had several baths, due to her skin fungus which is improving greatly. You saw a photo of her before but I won't show her again until she is recovered. I guessitmate about one month more. It does me good to see her happy.
My Advice For The Day
Enjoy the day, it may not last forever. Saca el jugo del limón hasta que no puedes sacar mas!
I would also like to wish my life friend Patricia a very happy birthday and may she live long, healthy and continue to be wise as she has been my life teacher, although she probably doesn't know it. God bless!


  1. I once figured out that 99.9% of all the bad things that can happen to a house (or an RV) have to do with water.

    My kitchen leak ruined about half the kitchen cabinets and they are going to be rebuilt. So, I have spices and dishes in boxes yet again. At this rate, I will never have to worry about cleaning out the drawers they will always be newly stocked.

    Sorry about your pool, that is a big one. Good luck with the repairs, I have faith in the ingenuity of concrete workers here. I'll bet they make it a short job.

    Wish you were here in Mérida for the Mexico in English blogger meet. Next year you need to come.

  2. Installing a swimming pool at your home is financially a smart choice. But if it causes any leak or damage will cost us a fortune to install. A quality pool leak detection experts is the best choice to have done your repair with minimal expense.
