Monday, January 24, 2011

My Lifelong Idol Is Gone

A sad day for me.   I grew up with Jack sitting in front of the tv with my mom.  As a kid growing up, I was the youngest for awhile.  My mom was busy cooking, cleaning and preparing meals for 11 people at the time.  But lunchtime was lunchtime.  She would prepare herself a dish of cottage cheese and tomato slices or pinapple chunks and sit down with me to watch the show.  We would get out some canned goods, set up a chair in the living room and do some of the exercises.   It was more watching than exercising, afterall, it was lunchtime.   

Turns out I had some things in common with Jack.  He was a sugar addict as a kid.   Me too!  Mom made me butter and sugar sandwiches.  I was the baby and she gave me what I wanted.  Needless to say, sugar or not, I had all my teeth capped by age seven.

As the years went by, I kept my eye on ole Jack.  He pulled boats, barges and trains and what I liked the most was that he was always in shape.   I have followed his advice on vitamin supplements, juicing (it comes and goes sometimes depending on the year), and I exercise daily.  I hope I am granted the overall health to live not as long as Jack, but with the same quality of life as Jack.

Thanks buddy!