Thursday, May 30, 2013

Did You Ever Wonder?

One thing we never knew the answer to on our rv trips in Mexico were the signs that said, "PIV" and "PSV".  This morning I drove to Saltillo to give a short workshop at the agricultural university, which is a city in itself.   The publisher pays my travel expenses so I took the autopista.   The price for a car is now 66 pesos, but it sure cuts out a lot of time and the drive is straight through.  I did this because when I went last week, there was a checkpoint in each direction on the "libre" that went on for over 3kms.   Go figure, I didn't see one today after getting on the toll highway.

piv= puente inferior vehicular  -   an overpass
psv=puente superior vehicular  -  an underpass
pipg=puente inferior paso de ganado -  an overhead cattle crossing
psfc=puente superior paso de ferrocaril  - a railroad underpass

An interesting event showing a sign of the times.   As I approached the toll booth, a trucker had pulled up to the prepay pass lane.   They usually have a sticker with a chip on their windshield.  This guy opened his window, stuck out his Iphone and waved it around setting off the computer and opening the gate.   I got a kick out of it.
The purpose of the survey that I mentioned is to gather information on Mexico rvers.  Feel free to send me a mail with your ideas.  I am thinking about origin, destination, rv type, length of stay, years visiting Mexico, use of toll or libre, etc.   This is a precursor to the survey I am also writing for ex-pats.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps a few questions like what do you use for internet? Do you travel around or stay in one place and why? Have you brought or been involved in bringing Rvers into Mexico for the first time. Do you pay for medical insurance in Mexico or pay as you go?
