I always like rocking the boat. I figure if I don't nobody else will. There's been controversy for years about which way we should be helping people; NGOs, GoFundMe or Mexican federal programs. I received an email asking me which one was best and this was my reply:
Do individuals really do more? My only thing in this is that there is definitely good work going on by individuals. Like most politics though, it is always one side or the other. I'm not even a fan of the current Mexican administration. That said, I have worked here and paid my taxes for 35 years and I want people to get what they deserve.
Why would someone who works so hard to help the poor refuse to allow the same poor people access to information they can use to make it easier on donors and improve their own condition? I hear constant complaining that there is never enough giving and that people, especially ex-pats with fancy cars, could give much more. That may certainly be true. Take those donations and add another $40 USD per child per month to the formula and it is much better than just one side or the other. That's what this federal program offers.
I was only trying to help. As it turns out, most ex-pats, for lack of learning the language, have no idea what the Mexican government programs are and how they work. There are literally hundreds of them from delivering seed and fertilizers to farmers to sports scholarships for tennis, swimming, chess and so much more. People have been emailing me asking me for details. Ex-pats, for the most part, are completely disconnected from the Mexican reality.
I now regret wanting to help and put in my "granito de arena". We do it here in Nuevo Leon and we make sure all school children who are eligible have access to free breakfasts, books, uniforms, scholarships, and more. It's a joint effort between state, local governments, schools, and teachers like myself.
We could do so much more working as a team. A real shame that people pit themselves against each other only to make a name for themselves and children suffer the brunt of such a petty thing as "It's MY project". It's pathetic. It should be everyone's project. But there are selfish people who only think about their fame and noteriety and not the interest of those at hand.
Interestingly enough, the program for people over 68 (68 Y Mas), is open to Mexicans and ex-pats who are residents in Mexico. Now that I've said that watch people scramble to enroll, and they have. Many ex-pats see it as something they are entitled to when they've never paid any taxes in Mexico. I guess if they did enroll in the program and used the money to help others that would be a different story. That may not be such a bad idea. Many ex-pats say they don't have enough money to donate each month well here it is, a monthly donation of $65 USD and you don't have to use your own money. Let's see how many bite!
Okay, I mentioned the other day that I was going to check on my social security account. I did and my consultant showed me where I am now. I decided to wait two more years to get the maximum benefit based on what I paid in and my additional payments. Did you know the maximum Mexican social security check is 50,000 pesos a month? That's $2500 USD per month, not bad for Mexico. I won't get that much but I do have my U.S. pension as well. I'm happy.
The weather is warming up and as they say, Spring has sprung. Trees are in bloom, the grass is turning green and growing. We had our first cut yesterday only in the back.
As I close this part of my life (my rant about programs in Mexico) I'll need to find something else of similar or greater value to pull people's chains. Someday, I'll have to explain why I get such a kick out of it. Peace.