Call it what you'd like it to be man-made, natural, or a combination of both. The heat is on and Mother Nature is doing things we want to believe are part of the cycle but it's hotter than hell. We've had a week of temps up to 45C or 113F every day. As they say, "If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen". Well we did and are now in San Miguel de Allende. It's still pretty hot here at 36C during the day but it cools down to 16C at night.
We came down to also wait for the new kitchen install. Hopefully, before we head back home it will be ready.
Before we left home we were invited to a niece's quinceañera or sweet sixteen. It was a party to end all parties. A fun event and I'm not that big on parties but it was pretty cool! The quinceañera came down from the second-story balcony in an elevator. Before that, she arrived in a 1930s Model A. There was dancing, and activities for the younger ones, even Bad Bunny, the Mad Hatter and the Rabbit all made appearances.
We brought some things with us for the house. The SUV ran great. It always has except for the squeaks and rattles. Two weeks ago we had new rubber put around the doors, tune-up, chassis lube, and a piece that goes somewhere around the torsion bars. It's a plastic block and it just rubbed itself to pieces. The SUV sounds like new and the drive was easier than the VW. Much quieter and with the cruise set it was a very comfortable day.
Lots to do here apart from home remodels. Time to get out early and do some hiking and sightseeing. I found a place about three hours from here called Huijolotes, the Grand Canyon of Mexico. We may spend a couple of days there.