Saturday, November 11, 2023

You Never Know Who You'll Run Into

Very few people out before 8 a.m.  Much different than in the north of Mexico.

We made a dinner date with Les and Mike and Terri.  I told Croft we would be having dinner and he said to say hell to everyone.  I also told him I would take a picture but we were being kicked out before we knew it as we had spent over two hours chatting.  They closed up and we all said our goodbyes until January and headed home.

The funny part of it all was that we had finished dinner when a woman walked up to the table and said, "You probably don't remember me but my name is Wanda and you helped me out when I was in trouble".  Well, I do remember Wanda very well.  Back in 2011, she sent me an email saying she was on her way to SMA and her Westfalia had broken down by the municipal airport in Monterrey.  She was safe, her VW towed and she was staying in a hotel.  She wanted to know what would be a good gift to show appreciation to the gentlemen who helped get her towed and repaired her van.  

Such a small way of helping and she still visits the blog occasionally.  It does your heart good to know you have helped someone.  We always wanted to make that our vision for rving in Mexico.  We have considered several times over the years to offer a service of helping newcomers to rving in Mexico processing papers at the border leading them down around Monterrey to our area and giving them an orientation to rving here.  I guess we did find it in some way by belonging to Boondockers Welcome/Harvest Host.  We get a couple of rvers every year and most are new to all of this.  In the end, we get a kick out of showing people around and that there is a lot to see in northern Mexico apart from beating feet across the border.  

Coming back from my walk I passed the church and this mama was basking in the early morning sun.

The rains have come this week which is nice.  We have spent the last three days with estimates for painting the front of the house.  After all this, you sit back and say, "does it really need painting?" or is it something that just makes it more your own and puts a mark on your territory?

Our friends Christine and Robert are in SMA now and are doing a great job of getting around and seeing the sights.  They are going all over the place.  Good for them!  Christine will be prepared for her solo and Robert has taught her some essential Spanish.

Bitcoin machines are now popping up around San Miguel and most of Mexico!

A daily occurrence, these riders pass by the house every afternoon around 6 p.m. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Day Of The Dead - San Miguel de Allende

Having just arrived the night before, we were a bit discombobulated and still trying to get our morning coffee.  We had errands to run and pay the phone bill.  It was a holiday, and most businesses were closed.  We were hoping Telmex was open.  Traffic on the Ancha de San Antonio was busy with pilgrims and family going to the cemetery across the street from the office.  We parked in the Telmex lot with the pretext that we were paying our bill.  We did a quick walk through the cemetery.  Lines were formed outside and everyone carried paint, brushes, and flowers, and some even brought a mariachi or a musician.

On the road outside the cemetery (it runs parallel to Ancha San Antonio) vendors set up their flower stands.  Always willing to negotiate their prices, people find it easier to buy from them when they arrive at the cemetery.
Artificial flowers have become very popular.  Among those are some made from tin and painted.  You could see people leaving the cemetery and taking some home for decoration.

What good would a visit to the cemetery be without something to snack on in addition to the offering you have brought.  Vendors were selling churros, chips with salsa, cream, and cheese.  I've never eaten that and I don't think it is very healthy but it has become a big seller.  Slice open the bag of Tostitos or chips and lather on the toppings.  You then eat it with a spoon.  Similar to when you buy a cup of corn on the street.

Relatives and tourists alike file into the cemetery.  Long lines and so many people carrying buckets for watering, food, folding chairs, and music.  One woman reportedly fell into a grave as the cement covering gave way.  It happens several times around the country during Dia de Los Muertos.

Video Of The Cemetery

A man painting a decorative tombstone over the grave of a family member.  The large tombstone to the left says, "Señor!  Don't let us lose our hope of life!"

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Rvers Are Traveling South To Mexico

We're back in San Miguel de Allende for the Dia de los Muertos festivities and do some minor additions to the house.  I purchased some aluminum miniblinds online and they were shipped to the mailbox in Monterrey.  We've had good luck ordering online from a company in Mexico City.  Free shipping and we save around 60%.  I bought two for the bathrooms in Monterrey as well.

The drive was a drag this time.  We were doing well until we got to Hwy 57 and then it was a lot of small stops for road construction.  People were driving crazy and I think I p.o.'ed a trucker.  He cut me off so when I did get around him I gave him one long honk.  After that, the word was out and it seemed for quite a stretch others were trying to irritate me.  Or at least that's what it appeared to us.

We made it though and all is safe and sound here at Aruanda II.  The new door we had installed with the dust sweep really did the trick.  With winds and rain, it does an excellent job of keeping the dust down.  Very little to do in terms of housekeeping.

I was reading the Mexico Rv Facebook page the other day and a woman posted that they were in a hotel in Monterrey while their fur kid was getting some dental work done.   I sent her a message and said we live in the Monterrey area and if they needed anything to drop a line.  They did!  We offered our 30 amp for a night as we were leaving for San Miguel the next day.  What nice people.  Aren't most rvers that way?  They have a 13ft Scamp and a Subaru.  A great setup for Mexico.  They have a dolly they can use to move the trailer around.  Full bath and is pretty roomy for its size.

So the usual, we went to Santiago for lunch and showed them around a bit.  We had a great happy hour and shared information about traveling in Mexico.  They are new to rving and new to driving in Mexico.  They made it through and are in Santiago and will be heading down south this week.  They have a cute dog, Toby!   I can't remember his breed but is a mix of three he is really handsome.  Such a good kid.

After we left for SMA, Christine and Robert went to the waterfalls and did their own touristing.  I recommended that they park in Los Cavazos next to the police tower.  Wouldn't you know, they asked if they could stay and a merchant with a stand said to park behind his little shop.  He ended up inviting them to dinner.  Only in Mexico!

They are from Minnesota and Christine is retired.  Robert will be with her for the first month before he returns.  She will be solo after that 21and we thought it would be a good idea for them to head to SMA stopping in Matehuala at the Oasis Hotel and the El Faro in San Luis Potosi.  They are good with boondocking as well so we gave them someplace should they decide to do that.  

Today, November 2nd, we will go to the cemetery, do some tourist watching, and lay low.  A good day for recovery after the drive.  Even though it was a bit tedious it was fun and the weather great.  

Now for a surprise ending.  Juan competed with his partner Cindy over the weekend at the Conarte Folkloric Dance Festival in the over 60 category.  And yes, we have a winner.  His second time.    His competition begins in the video below at 2:31:44 minutes.

He was very happy and now his knees will get a long rest as we look for a possible knee replacement Too much travel coming up and we need to be able to keep moving.