I recently posted on the rv.net about low-profile travel trailers; Hi-Lo, Trailmanor, Chalet and Aliner. They are make great products but I truly believe, for lack of competition, they are mediocre at best. We owned two Trailmanors and enjoyed them. In fact, we are still contemplating a return to one because of its wonderful boondocking abilities. The model we like turns out to be TMs smallest model, the 2619. it is 19ft closed which is longer than our current standard travel trailer. Open, however, it is a full 26ft and has a bed on each end. The 2619 includes a full kitchen, dinette/sofa combination and a full bath. We have always liked the hard-sided bath in the TM versus the curtain/wall slide bath in the Hi-Lo. The problem with this particular trailer is that because it lacks competition, it is very expensive. Second, it has many areas that I feel could be improved upon.
So why did I post the question on rv.net? With the current economy, high fuel prices, or should I now say volatile fuel prices, reducing our footprint on the planet (after all, rvers should be somewhat involved with the great outdoors) and knowing full well that the rver's enemy is wind resistence, why we don't take a closer look at low-profile rving? Hi-Lo at one time even produced several fifth wheel models. Imagine, it was a real piece of engineering.
Why would it be so difficult to drive these products to the edge and produce something of comfort, beauty, economy and in tune with keeping the planet a bit cleaner?
You decide, I sure can't figure it out.
New Poll
I had changed my original direction with the blog several months ago. I used to report on daily activities but it didn't seem to draw a crowd. Also, I was hoping to do something with GoogleAds but my account never got set up. They said they were sending me password requests in the mail but I would never receive them and it's not like you can pick up the phone and call Google.
So I have posted a new poll at the top asking if readers are interested in my daily doings. I just hate to post on both the rv.net and then here. However, I do come across some great things for both rvers and people wanting to live or foreigners who do live here. Today, I posted about the 3G card offered by Telcel Amigo, prepay internet using the USB gadget they sell. A little pricey, but it might be what we will do in the future while we are on the road.
Start the hate mail. I/We are not worried about our carbon footprint. A topic for an evening drink a lots of time. I/We are worried about our capital consuming footprint.