Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cold Weather - Ready To Roll

Tomorrow is a holiday, Mexican Revolution Day.  Actually it is on Tuesday but we have  three-day weekend.   I haven't done squat today but watch national news both American/Mexican, Face The Nation and a show on Netflix about three truckers crossing the Himalayas.  
Now we are heading out the door to join forces with Mexican holiday shoppers.  Juan wants a new cell phone and there is a huge sale going on.  I get the old cell phone if I want it but I like my eight year old plain Jane version with the little flashlight built in.  Works for me.   I only call one person anyway, hehehehe.
After we are going to our monthly birthday party and family gathering.   It shouldn't last long with the weather.   There is a game today so everyone will be sitting around watching the game.   I'll take my laptop.  
Tomorrow we head out with the SUV for McAllen for a change of scenery, prep the rv and then hopefully head home to the quinta on Friday.   Ruth is busy making cookies down in Hacienda Contreras so I have offered to pick her up some special items for baking.  I know she intends to share some of the goodies with us.
That's all for today.  I have an interesting story to tell about ex-pats and goings on in SMA but I'll save it for this week as the story is still in progress.