Rooftop Rosewood Inn
We take a lot of vitamin C and it is very expensive here in San Miguel de Allende. CostCo carries their brand but the store in Celaya didn't have any. Today we decided to go to Queretaro. It is a short 40 minute drive from here and on the way we drove through a small town off to the side called Cañajo population 540. Juan had seen an ad for two pieces of land there at very reasonable prices but before we were taken on an adventure by the owner we decided to check out the are a first. We will be making an appointment tomorrow to see the specific pieces. Good road, 1 km off the highway, empedrada (cobblestone) and very quiet. Five minutes from the glorieta at Luciernaga (Soriana).
Got to Queretaro and the CostCo. We know the major avenues and Queretaro is a city on the move. It is expanding, seems to have a good city plan and layout, excellent highways and avenues, bringing the aviation and automotive industry to its city, but still conserving the centro historico.
No vitamin C at CostCo. I know about regional marketing but why would people not take vitamin C in the central part of the country but in the north every store carries the stuff. Oh well, we pigged out on demonstration food and looked at things we will never buy. It was fun but we needed to finish our kitchen curtain project so we headed to Mundo de Wally (WallyWorld or Walmart) and bought an expandable curtain rod only to return it. It was marked 79 pesos but rang up at 99. It was in the wrong place and we didn't check the bar code. Hopped over to the Home Depot and bought a thin wood dowel for 19 pesos which in the end did the trick.
Trying out a scooter at CostCo
Came back to San Miguel and picked up our blankets that we had laundered and took a nap. After, we headed to the Rosewood Inn for a very expensive glass of wine but really went there for the view. Well worth the price but we won't go there again until next year. Met two really lovely couples there and we chatted up a storm.
Rosewood Inn Rooftop
You should buy that scooter Chris, you look good on it! :)
The thin wooden dowl allowed for the 2 glasses of vino. I get it!