We left San Miguel de Allende on Thursday morning. We stayed another nother day because a friend from Monterrey was in town with her friends. We went out for drinks and stayed up until 1 a.m. We left Thursday morning late around 11 a.m. I've never done that unless it was a short trip of an hour or so. Great scenery. We passed through Guanajuato, Jalisco and into Zacatecas.
Yours truly taking a mirror pic at the theater of the city.
Yesterday was spent walking around town, finding a place for the laundry and wonderful 35 peso breakfast that consisted of huevos rancheros and coffee. The best salsa and refried beans I've had on this trip.
The Alameda park where we met the dancers for the callejoneada.
In the afternoon we went to the Alameda to wait for the arrival of the dance groups. Groups from Panama, Nicaragua, Estonia, Argentina and Luxembourg showed up in time for the callejoneada. We walked through the streets with a wonderful band drinking small cups or jarritos of mexcal. The dancers from the other countries took tons of pictures and we did too.
The groups from Panama y Nicaragua.
We like to do crockpot cooking while we're going down the road. This dish was easy. Two large chicken breasts, potatoes and brocoli. The brocoli sat on top for the last hour and it turned out beautifully. Everything is tender and tasty and with the potatoes it makes its own gravy.
Tomorrow morning I'll be making cinnamon rolls in the crockpot. Great thing is, you can do this while going down the road or on solar. One pot for easy clean up without using a lot of water.
Juan was talking about this back in glad you're able to be there.