Friday, March 27, 2020

Mazatlan Rv Park Fire - Punta Cerritos - Offer Of Assistance

If you know of anyone who was in the rv park fire last night and needs some type of help, we are here.  Be it translations, the consulate in Monterrey, or a place to stay.  We have room here at the house and the rv.

Anything we can do to help.  They can email us at

or you can email me and I will give you our cellphone number.

It' s time to help other Mexico rvers that may be in need during this troubling time of the virus, closed borders and so much more. 


  1. Replies
    1. Punta Cerritos is on the water at the north end of Mazatlan.

    2. Most RV sites and casitas were destroyed.

  2. I talked to Contessa about this fire this morning. It is one of the higher end parks in Mazatlan and many of the rigs received water damage in last year's flood. Many of them were not economically repairable, could not be driven and so were left on site. It will be a great loss for many people unless they kept their insurance up on the rigs. Your offer is very kind and I remember the first time I met you was when you came to our rescue after our encounter with a low underpass in Monterrey!

  3. Yup..a barbecue that got away. Some people were sheltered by friends and one rig made it into Las Jaibas. A big mess.

  4. Super sad for everyone involved. Chris & Juan, how great of you to step up with such an amazing offer of assistance.....stronger together.
