Tuesday, May 26, 2020

An Attempt To Defame Me


You never know who your enemies are until they strike.  I'm personally not affected by this story although the perp may have wanted me to.

As we all know, everyone is in a state of hurt over Covid-19 and the economic damage it has done to many people around the world.  Like most of you, I belong to many online forums, Facebook groups, and am an avid blog reader.

Like ourselves, many ex-pats as well as Mexicans are involved in helping those who need it the most.   Many are helping with money, food, handouts of all kinds, and more.  Lots of people have personally worked in the trenches.  Just like our small town, many people live off the land or sell things from small informal businesses and repair shops.   We too are involved in the community and do our share to help out as much as we can.  We won't enter the trenches because of our age and the danger that the virus presents.

That said, I sent the following email to a group offering some advice that I know is well-worth it and I have talked about it many times.  Yes, we need food banks, hot meals for the needy and most of all the elderly and children.  However, as a teacher in Mexico in the public and private sector, I know that the Bienestar program is heavily promoted and is offering funds to families in need as I have talked about here many times.   I've personally seen the program in action.  Who would deny needy children and elderly an extra couple of hundred dollars?

Here is the email I innocently sent in hopes that it would not fall on deaf ears.  

I did contact the DIF in the city in question and just as it says on the government website, 5000 food packages had been distributed and 20,000 more were on the way.  Imagine these food packages in addition to the hard work that Mexicans and ex-pats in the community are contributing would make a huge impact.

The person I sent it to is the commander in charge.  The person did not just forward my email but unleashed some information about me that was just not true.  Because of that, these are, the responses I have received:

This hasn't changed my mind about helping people though, and I insist that these programs work, are available but may not give those who are looking for some type of praise the kudos they want.  

 Shameful that this has happened and that in the end, the people who really count, the needy children and elderly will be cheated not by their government but by people who would prefer to be glorified than help other human beings. 

I have asked for a retraction of my email and/or clarification of the facts including my original email posted above.  It has been almost a week with no response  I will not divulge the name(s), city or communities involved.

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