Friday, September 4, 2020

Average Monthly Living Expenses In Mexico

I've been working on a list of expenses that we incur on a monthly basis.  It's not all-inclusive but has the majority expenses such as groceries and utility bills.  People often ask how expensive things are and I have mentioned several times our electric bill and usage by KwH.  

In addition, I made a shortlist of produce we purchase at the grocery store on a regular basis.  Using HEB Mexico and HEB U.S., I compared the prices of some 11 items and listed them in dollars to avoid any confusion in currency conversion.

* indicates price per piece, not lb.

Everyone lives differently; needs, vices, and comfort level.  We live well but at the same time, we don't find the need to spend a lot of money.   We eat well and attempt to do meal planning in between our two to three-week grocery shop.  We don't eat much red meat but like to have a nice ribeye once a month.  Chicken, shrimp, and tuna are usually eaten along with pasta dishes and of course greens at every meal.  When it comes to fruit, it is mostly berries and a small quantity of bananas and apples.  Fruit has too much sugar be it natural or not.

When we are at home we try not to shop at local markets.  That a personal choice and has nothing to do with the quality or cleanliness of the produce.  I am just not a fan of the informal market.  That's another political story.


  1. I could live like a queen in Mexico :-) Are airline flights cheaper too from Mexico?

    1. Within Mexico flights are cheap. Vivaaerobus, Interjet, Volaris and TAR.

  2. My mother here in Canada pays $177 CAD ($135 USD) per month for her landline/internet/cable TV package. I was stunned! Apparently that's pretty much the standard!

    1. I tried to convince a family member on disability to give up cable tv. His bundle package costs $139 a month. I recommended using a smart tv, having only internet and paying for Netflix. You have the best of everything. Throw out the landline. We may get rid of our Telmex bundle and just go with Telcel En Casa, which gives you unlimited home usage via Telcel, that's $20 a month. Our internet from Infinitum has deteriorated in the last year and they say they can't fix it.

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  4. Looking forward to the reason you two do not shop at local markets

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