Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The End Of The Pandemic In 2023

I'm not a religious person but this seems to fit and drive home my point.  Feel free to disagree.



We are now seven months into the first pandemic of the century.  The U.S. has lost over 200,000 souls, Mexico 75,000 and the world total to date is close to reaching 1,000,000 deaths.  We live in an age of technology where information is at your fingertips.  Yet few people know what a pandemic is, a virus, and the scientifically proven methods to avoid COVID.  Instead, they prefer fake news, jokes about death and dying, laughing in the face of death as though they are immune.  Many people truly believe this is a hoax generated by world leaders for some dastardly gain and others feel they have a special DNA that will keep them free of the virus.  Many raise their voices and posters in protest saying their rights and freedoms are being violated.  It was played down by world leaders in the beginning and that downplay has been drilled into our heads.  We’re out in public, throwing caution to the wind.  We visit beaches, bars, and restaurants and attend mass group parties even though we know the dangers.


Fast forward to the year 2023.  The pandemic is coming to a close.  Herd immunity has done its work along with a slew of vaccines from different countries and pharmaceutical companies trying to gain even greater fame and fortune.  The death toll has now reached over 3,000,000 and many people say they never knew anyone who had gotten sick or died from it and they themselves are living proof.

In the initial months of the virus, world leaders attempted to convince the masses that it would pass, influenza killed way far more people, and that the Chinese created this virus for economic gain.  Some world leaders refused to wear a mask until corruption in their country came to an end while other famous presidents denied it existed and like all other things in the world we had to carry on even urging his followers not to wear masks.

We didn’t love our neighbor as we should have.  Human beings for the most part rebelled against the scientific and medical communities.  World-renowned institutions such as the CDC, ECDC and the CCDC warned us of the precautions.  The world has had a history of ten well-documented pandemics, their impact on human life and society, and also their demise and what helped to bring the world back to “normal”.   No one listened though.  

If we had loved our neighbor as we had learned in our churches, synagogues, and mosques, we would have followed the simple guidelines that may have saved those 3,000,000 souls.  But they were just numbers to us, weren’t they? They weren’t “our” people, family, friends or neighbors.  Religion, faith, and prayer saved no one.  We were all at the mercy of the virus or better said, Mother Nature.  We took our humanity and shelved it out of selfishness, defiance, and in some cases hatred for others.   Our own selfish gain for sheer enjoyment, entertainment, self-fulfillment came before our neighbor.

We could have saved most of those 3,000,000 lives just by example.  Would it really have taken away our rights and liberties to follow the three simple rules of social distancing, masks, and handwashing?  Human lives didn’t mean enough to say, “I’m thinking about you as well as for myself and even though I may not be a believer I am part of my community and what I do will be an example for others such as my children, neighbors and fellow citizens.  We could have all been heroes but we chose ourselves over others.  Yes, love they neighbor as thyself.

None of us will be here in another one hundred years and this pandemic will go down just as the others have; in history, forgotten in time, until the next one.  Then we will become those insignificant lives, those numbers, those stories of the ones that survived two pandemics and numerous wars and other such onslaughts.   


  1. I'm not being cold or unemotional, I'm just looking at this logically.

    When does the world's population of humans become too high? Currently, we gain another billion people every 13 years. To lose 300 million doesn't sound too bad.

    Had we not had the Spanish flue that killed 75 million people, there would probably be another billion and a half today.

    Again, when does the population get to be too much? Some would say we are there already.

    1. You've hit my point on the nail. They are just numbers so what if it's just a couple of million out of billions? As long as you and I aren't one of those numbers. No one is willingly going to give up this world so easily. Man has intervened in nature and attempts to save everyone; transplants, bypass, birth defects, premature babies. That's the way it was until about 200 years ago. It's like my question about money and socialist. How much is too much? Where do you draw the line on when to save a life? There are literally millions of children and adults that if left alone for more than 48 hours would just die from their defects. Should we let that happen? How valuable is your life to you and what would you do to suck one more year or day out of it? I believe the word is compassion.

  2. Everyone needs to understand we have no control over anything regardless of what the "authorities" say. It all comes down to survival of the fittest and luck.
