Friday, December 18, 2020

I Was So Wrong About COVID In Mexico

My apologies to the Mexican government to speculate over the depth of the virus in Mexico.  I reported two months ago that Mexico would reach 100,000 COVID deaths by the end of December.  I was so wrong.  

It is now 116,487.  16,487 just doesn't sound like much when the total is over 100,000.  Take away the 100.000 and the 16,487 looks quite large.  That is still 3,000 more than in Canada for the nine months of the pandemic.  The 1985 Mexico City earthquake numbers were under 10,000 in one event.  

Our illustrious president Dingus has now decided that the pandemic is real and isn't getting any better. He still refuses to tell people to use a mask but that they should social distance and stay at home "when possible".  We are on a very slippery slope.

I hope you don't mind me sharing these things with you but I don't think this information is disseminated in English-speaking countries and if it is it doesn't make the news.  For the U.S. and Canada, it is vital as we are neighbors and share economies, trade, and both legal and illegal immigration.

One giant political reform we were able to dodge this week was the Reforma de Banxico.  Banxico is our federal banking regulator similar to the Fed in the U.S.  The idea behind the reform was to allow dollars to come into Mexico, mostly from Mexicans working abroad, but without having to prove the origin of the dollars.  Estimated remunerations from Mexico for 2020 are estimated at 40 billion USD.  Other countries raised the red flag weeks ago saying it could open the door for money laundering.  That was the final decision made by the Senate this week saying cartels would definitely take advantage of the system.

I have a theory, not a conspiracy theory 😎.   Since the early sixties, socialist dictators have belonged to a circle that meets every year mostly in Cuba.   These have included Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Cuba, China, North Korea, and even Romania.  They support each other and that is proven with the exile last year of Evo Morales.  First, they shipped him here to Mexico, then to Cuba, and after, off to Argentina.  

Their goal is to make Latin America a socialist continent.  So far, they have failed with Chile and Ecuador but are feverishly working with Mexico, Peru, and Bolivia.  I see president Dingus pressing for the reform.  He would allow dollars, without known origin, to be deposited into Mexico's private banks.  After a few years, he could easily prove that they are money laundering operations for organized crime and politicians.  Then he would move in and ----  nationalize banks which is the next step in the seven-step recipe for dictatorships.   These steps were outlined by Hugo Chavez from Venezuela.  Sounds cuckoo right?   History repeats itself.

On to lighter and merrier events.  The weather has been between 1C and 4C at night for the last two weeks.  Another week of it to come and maybe below freezing on Christmas Eve.  I'm happy because along with the cold temperatures and extremely dry weather we have a clear view of Cerro de la Silla or Saddleback Mountain in Monterrey. That's 23 km away.  Amazing.

On my daily power walks, I now have a tag along.  He belongs to one of my neighbors.  He used to try and attack me.  Then for two weeks, I would walk by and he would literally put his nose up at me as if I wasn't there.  I would talk with him, extend my hand and he wouldn't look at me.  Now the little guy just follows behind me back and forth for an hour and a half.  Someday, I hope to have him eating out of my hand. 

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