Here are some updated photos of the bridge construction near my house. As I told you two weeks ago, I will be showing updates to see how long it takes for them to finish the bridge. You can see they are on row number four of the side structure and continue to work day and night to get this done. Imagine, this used to take years to complete and now they do it in record-breaking time. This is just the South to Northbound side of the overpass so they will need to complete it and start the other side.

The forecast for the weekend was rain, rain, rain. Guess what? Nothing but hot air, literally. It got cloudy everyday, it go windy and then the skies would open again. I was hoping for rain so that I wouldn't have to pay to pump water to water the lawn. So now the forecast has done a 180 and it will be sunny and hot all week. Oh well, I won't complain about that either. Here is what it looked like this morning on the way to work.

On the way home from morning classes, I stopped by a friends house to repair her windshield. I forgot to take a picture. You probably didn't know that I repaired windshields. I started about three years ago but stopped last year. Here it is cheaper to change out the windshield with the insurance policy and the insurance carriers won't pay for repair jobs. But I still do it when someone remembers to call me.
This afternoon I will attempt to lay a laminate floor in the half bath. This ought to be something to see!
I asked the security guard this morning why he was so glum. He told me it was "San Lunes" (blue Monday). I told him some people didn't wake up this morning. He asked me if it was because they had a long weekend. I told him no, they died in their sleep. It happens. I then told him to take advantage of the day! He changed his tune!
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