This morning I had to put on my civil servant hat and march over to the mayor's office. Some how, the trash truck has not passed by our street for almost two weeks. This is highly irregular and so I paid our servidores publicos a visit.
I was greeted at the reception desk by Prof. Alanis who is our Secretario de Servicios. He introduced me to the person in charge of services including trash pickup, street cleaning, and maintenance.
I got lucky because I was able to kill two birds with one stone. One, they promised to come by today to pickup the trash and were very apologetic. Two, once I had the guy's attention and I knew he was also in charge of street cleaning I asked if he could send a crew to do some trimming and grass cutting along the sides of the street.
Let's see what happens and how long it takes for these things to happen. I will report back. Also, I need to get an updated picture on the bridge construction. Remember I said I would post a picture every week to see how long it takes to finish the overpass.
I passed the church on the way to the palacio presidencial.

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