Stayed at a nice hotel here San Antonio, not top drawer but close to the rent house and shopping. I need to get some filters for the central heat and air system. The tenant has forwarded mail to me for months. Lots to catch up on. Most of it junk mail.
I am looking for a Robot pool vacuum and some Atwood jacks for the travel trailer to put on the front. It will help to stablize the front end. Need to get ready for the big trip tour of Nuevo Leon.
Will be posting pics of the house, hotel and shopping during the day.

Got the shopping done. Stopped at Home Depot and Lowe's for a/c air filters. I needed to buy a year's supply as the filter needs to be changed every month. Neither store carried the size I needed and said they could special order. Went to WallyWorld and there they were. Did some vitamin shopping as well although I think Costco Mexico has very similar prices now. Also picked up some new bathroom throw rugs that were worn out and needed replacing. I wanted to buy the pool vacuum and went to Leslie's but I was not convinced by the information I received and decided to keep wait on that.
Tonight I am fixing dinner, pasta with pesto and some small filet mignon on the grill with a salad and a bottle of wine. Taking off tomorronw at 8 a.m. for Monterrey, my work here is done.
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