The weather has made a tremendous change and the sun was out all day. I took a couple of pictures of the mountains. Funny, most people never give them a thought and I see something different everyday.
Monies are already on the way to help recovery efforts after the horrific storms here in Nuevo Leon. Fonden, Fondo Nacional de Desastres (Mexico's FEMA) doesn't fart around when it comes to disaster relief. The money will arrive in the next week and clean up efforts are underway as we speak.
Tomorrow I need to head down to Allende and check the trailer. I have a feeling it took a little water damage via a bad seal around one of the slides. It was damp last week when I went and with the torrential rains it had to of received more water. I will post an update from there tomorrow.
Also, a visitor from the Comex group (part of the U.S. Embassy) will be arriving tomorrow for lunch. We will take him out, discuss some business and show him around the riverwalk. It will be an interesting day.
Monday is my last day of the courses I am giving in OXXO. It has been a tough week as I am not used to working this much. I has been fun but they wouldn't let me take my camera into the corporate offices. Too bad.
I love mountains. No matter where I live, I need to be able to see the hills. Best of all worlds would be on the beach with the mountains nearby.