Friday, August 29, 2008

Americans Living In Mexico

This morning I was listening to Imagen News with Ana Maria Salazar. Ana Maria is very interesting. She once worked in the U.S. as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Drug Enforcement Policy and Support. She is now living in Mexico City and has a radio and TV show. Her show comes on at 5:30 a.m. and again at 11 pm. She also has a great blog, Mexico Today that is filled with great news on Mexico in English .

Anyway, they were talking about getting Americans to vote in the November election. Did you know there are over 3,000,000 registered Americans living in Mexico? Wow, what a huge number. Isn't that like 1% of the total U.S. population?

I checked the INM (Instituto Nacional de MigraciĆ³n Mexicana) today and they have a webpage in English that answers the most common questions about working and/or living in Mexico. Check it out: As I said the other day, you can become a Mexican resident by showing a monthly income of $1500 dollars and even less if you own property here.

On another page, you can see the graphs and statistics regarding Mexican immigration as well as statistics for repatriated Mexicans (illegals that are returned to Mexico). You see them at the immigration offices at the border getting off buses and signing in. This number only shows those that are deported from the US. which is over 500,000 a year. What about all of those that have returned because of a slowing economy. They say it is over 11%. Statistics for 2007:

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